When there is nothing to do at work…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
Every now and then, you’ll experience a slowdown in your workplace, and it is at this time where some of you might wonder, “What to do when there is nothing…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
Every now and then, you’ll experience a slowdown in your workplace, and it is at this time where some of you might wonder, “What to do when there is nothing…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
At SarawakYES! we always emphasise the need to learn from mistakes, whether it’s for our career, education or personal growth. Yet we live in a world where not everyone can…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
If you’re thinking of breaking into a new career or changing jobs, updating your resume should be one of the first things to do. The resume you prepared when you…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
If you’re a graduate who just joined the workforce, you’ll find that some job tasks are nearly akin to some experience during your internship or activities in your university. But…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
Peer pressure has a bad reputation as it has been largely used in the negative context. Among the youths, peer pressure is a well discussed topic where it receives mostly…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
Your days in school and college may be some of the most memorable moments in your life but now that you’ve been working for a few years, have you ever…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
In a world where we’re always on the go and where we tend to get distracted by so many things (especially our mobile devices), we should pause from time to…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
For some of you fresh graduates, there is a high chance that you may not be able to land a job that’s related to what you studied in college or…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
It used to be said that those who worked for long hours without any intermission were considered hardworking and productive, but that’s not really the case. More scientific studies have…
Career Advice, Education, Newspaper Column
It’s no secret that we Malaysians don’t read a lot of books despite our nation having a high literacy rate. The habit of reading is beneficial for us in so…